En pocas palabras. . . dejame te acompañe a tomar un café, a un viaje, evento o charlemos en un sitio acogedor tomandonos una copa de vino y que surja la magia, no te vas arrepentir. Cuido mucho la discreción y la integridad de la persona. Podemos charlar por wasaph si así lo deseas. Decirte algo de mi soy licenciado, educado y persona sana y atractiva. Por favor abstenganse hombres y parejas sólo mujer.
In a nutshell. . . Let me join you for a coffee, a trip, an event or a chat in a cozy place with a glass of wine and magic, you will not regret it. He took great care of the person's discretion and integrity. We can chat for wasaph if you wish. I am licensed, educated and healthy and attractive person. Please refrain from men and couples.
In a nutshell. . . Let me join you for a coffee, a trip, an event or a chat in a cozy place with a glass of wine and magic, you will not regret it. He took great care of the person's discretion and integrity. We can chat for wasaph if you wish. I am licensed, educated and healthy and attractive person. Please refrain from men and couples.
200,00 €

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