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University College London is the largest and oldest college of the University of London, established in 1826, and is a strong rival to Cambridge and Oxford, collectively known as the “Golden Triangle” of the UK. Buy UCL diploma, The University of London is located in the heart of the UK, close to the British Museum and the British Library, with easy access to all parts of the UK and the world.

University College London’s central location and large campus allow students to enjoy a wonderful social life and working environment. UCL pharmacy diploma, For starters, all kinds of stations, parks, squares, and major roads are just a short walk away, but of course, if you are in a hurry, the Tube is a better option and there are plenty of stations on the Tube. UCL diploma pharmacy, Plus, London is so rich in nightlife, sports, music, arts, and culture that it meets all your expectations of a capital city.
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