Where can I buy a Multimedia University degree?
Where can I buy a Multimedia University degree? 0
Buy a Multimedia University degree, MMU diploma

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1. Multimedia University is one of the most valued universities by the Malaysian government
The Multimedia University was established with huge investment in accordance with the requirements of Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mahathir to “develop into a truly world-class university, attracting first-class teachers and students to work and study”, and is well-known in Malaysia. In the “Multimedia Corridor”, the most famous high-tech development belt in the capital Kuala Lumpur, it plays a role similar to that of Stanford University in California’s Silicon Valley.
2. Multimedia University is the most internationalized university in Malaysia
Multimedia University is the first and only one among all local universities in Malaysia that 100% of its teaching and daily life are in English. About half of the teachers are from foreign backgrounds, and foreign students come from 31 countries and regions in the world. The degree of Multimedia University has been widely accepted and recognized by the Commonwealth, Europe, the United States and internationally.
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